2 May 2024
New opportunities open up at Trudewind Rd Neighbourhood House through major renovations
An exciting development for neighbourhood houses in Wodonga is the renovations at Trudewind Neighbourhood House.
Work began in February 2024 and concluded in April, with the neighbourhood house running activities from the Wodonga Tennis Centre during this period.
"It feels like a different place!" said Trudewind manager Leisha Deery. "We're so pleased with the final result.
The official opening of the renovated building took place earlier in July, with an enthusiastic crowd watching the Mayor, Cr Ron Mildren, and Trudewind Chairperson, Leanne Cator, cut the ribbon.
"The Wodonga Council has been great to work with, and has done wonderful job with the renovations. We were able to have a lot of input into the changes in the internal layout, which has meant that what we've ended up with is very fit for purpose.
"It's been a hectic time, and over the last six months we've needed to focus mainly on finalising the plans, packing everything up, moving to our temporary venue, and now moving back and unpacking at Trudewind. Our volunteers have been amazing - we couldn't have done it without them."
The renovations include a new kitchen, new flooring in the art room, new meeting room and a redesigned computer room, as well as new toilets and storage.
"The changes have opened up opportunities for us to engage more with the local community," said Leisha. "Once everything has settled down with the move, we'll work on a new strategic plan."